Sharing & Giving

Sharing is hard. Right? And it can be hard for everyone, not just little ones. For example, as parents, we find ourselves sharing all that we have with our children. We share our food, our stuff, our bed space, our time, and our love. Sometimes, as a mom, I want to not share (especially my food and sleep – ha!). I want those precious hours of uninterrupted REM to myself, or to simply eat a peaceful meal without hearing “Mommymommymommymommy” 100 times in a row, but ultimately we do share the things we have because we love our children unconditionally and want to put them first. Even when our energy is low, our plates are nearly empty, and our patience is wearing thin; we give.

How much more does our Heavenly Father give to us? In the Patience Fruit Stand, we’ve been learning about the ways Jesus shows us how to live. When he fed the 5,000, the Bible says he was originally headed to a place to rest. He was tired. He’d been traveling and teaching, and honestly, he probably just wanted to grab a nap and some food. But when the people found out where he was going, they went there too, and suddenly Jesus was in the presence of a huge crowd of people. Did he turn them away? Did he remind them of his busy speaking schedule and retreat into solitude? Matthew 14 tells us that he had compassion on them. He put them first. He healed their sick. He gave.

This past week, we learned about the widow in Luke 21. Many people were going to the temple to give to God out of their finances. The Bible says that the rich gave “out of their abundance,” meaning, they had so much that their gift was no great sacrifice. Contrast this display to the widow who only gave two small coins. It doesn’t sound like much, but to this widow, who had very little, it was everything she had. We can imagine that the big gifts from the wealthy were what people were watching. Probably no one noticed the widow and her seemingly inconsequential gift. But Jesus noticed. He said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.” Her gift was a gift of proportion. The widow demonstrated sacrificial giving.

The Bible shows us over and over again how God gives this way to us. He gave His only Son, after all, and as our Bible verse this week described, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

The Bible doesn’t tell us the widow’s fate. Did she go home, her last means of self-support gone, to wither away and die? I don’t think so. “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure [ . . . ] will be poured into your lap.” In other words, you reap what you sow.

Here are some of the clay coins the firsties designed to help them remember this moment in Biblical history, to remember to give to others, even when it means missing out on something they want.


I noticed many examples of sacrificial giving during the week, moments where a student put another first. One washed another’s paint-covered table after art without being asked. One helped a friend tie his shoe. One waited patiently after being called on when a friend bumped his knee and needed a teacher’s immediate attention, giving up her turn. One shared a part of her snack when a friend forgot his at home. One passed a friend the last piece of white paper, even though she was planning to use it herself.

These little moments might not seem like much. They might even go unnoticed by most.

Jesus notices.



The firsties share their attention with this week’s Star of the Week as he shares about himself, reads a story, and demonstrates his talent.


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The firstie saints devote focus to an assortment of scientific research and writing projects throughout the week.


The firsties give one another respect and grow patience while taking turns during math workshop and calendar.

100th Day, Groundhog’s Day, Star Wars Day, Oh My!

We have been very busy in the Patience Fruit Stand!

This last week was a week of celebrations. The 100th day of school and Groundhog’s Day both fell on Tuesday, February 2nd, and our school-wide Star Wars Day surprised all the kiddos on Friday!

We ate a snack comprised of 100 items, modeled our 100th day shirts (which were fabulous!), made necklaces of 100 Froot Loops, created hats filled with ten 10-frames, all showing a different way to decompose 10, designed towers of 100 cups, predicted and tested the distance of 100 footsteps, created stories of what it would be like to be 100 years old, and wrote 100 words. Here is a little peek into our 100th Day fun!



For Groundhog’s Day, we predicted whether or not the groundhog (Ol’ Punxsutawney Phil) would see his shadow. Most of us were right! We predicted that he would not see his shadow and that spring would be coming soon! We also read Groundhog Day by Gail Gibbons and watched a short science video about groundhogs.

Star Wars Day was described as the “best day ever” by several students in the Patience Fruit Stand. From watching an epic battle between Yoda and Darth Vader, to Jedi Training, to creating their own lightsabers, to writing their own space-themed stories (one was about space cats, because, of course), to designing and building their own space ships out of popsicle sticks, to playing Storm Trooper Blast in P.E., to visiting the 6th grade lego museum, it was a funtastic day filled with excitement and learning. Check out some of the fun!

I had to watch out for the Jawa all day. No one wants to be sold for parts!
Creating a spaceship masterpiece!
She was going for a geometric design.


Hanging out with my best bud, R2D2, and my owner, Master Luke.


The force is strong with those who enter here.


Watch out! Lightsaber battles await!
Storm Trooper Blast probably looked a lot like Dodgeball to the untrained eye.


Our inspiration during spaceship design.



At chapel, we learned that the Bible tells us to put on the armor of God and take up our lightsaber (Maybe sword. Probably lightsaber.), which is the Word of God. We learned that God’s Word is the strongest weapon we would ever need against the dark side.

Pick up your lightsabers, everyone. May the force be with you.